- ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি : ২০২৩-২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষে বেসরকারি ডেন্টাল কলেজ মেডিকেল কলেজ ডেন্টাল ইউনিটসমূহে (বিডিএস) শূন্য আসনে দেশি শিক্ষার্থী ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি
- BDS Admission Test : 2023-2024 List of Selected Candidates in Mandy Dental Colleges
- Rotatory Internship programme & logbook for dental graduates (BDS) চিকিৎসকদের লগবুক সংশোধন ও অনুমোদন প্রসঙ্গে
- BDS Admission 2023-2024 Test : After 2nd Migration List of Selected Candidates In MANDY DENTAL COLLEGE
- ২০২৩-২০২৪ খ্রি. শিক্ষাবর্ষ বিডিএস কোর্সে মেন্ডি ডেন্টাল কলেজ স্ব-অর্থায়নে ভর্তিচ্ছু দেশী শিক্ষার্থীদের ভর্তি সম্পর্কিত নির্দেশনা

Historical Background of MDCH
Establishing an educational institution requires a great deal of effort, planning, proper equipment, and an honest ideology. It also requires countless days of dedication and prayer from a team that truly believes in the cause. Mandy Dental College and Hospital is the result of the hard work and dedication of many people.
The idea for the college was first conceived in 2007 by a group of individuals who were concerned about the state of dentistry in Bangladesh. These individuals included honorable Vice-Chairman of Z.H. Sikder Medical College, Ex-Chairman of National Bank Pvt. Ltd., Parveen Haque Sikder, Professor Tahmina Akhtar, Professor of Institute of Social Work and Research, University of Dhaka, Professor Professor Dr. Nazmul Haque Bhuiyan, Professor of Nutrition and Food Science of Dhaka University, Professor Dr. Mohammad Faruque, and Honorable Professor of Dhaka Dental College and the renowned Eng. Kamrul Huda.
The proposal for the college was submitted to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of Bangladesh in 2008. It was granted approval by the Medical Education and Manpower Development, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2009. The college finally received approval from the Ministry and from Dhaka University in early 2010, after the college authority had developed the necessary infrastructure. Some young energetic and brilliant dental surgeon Dr. Shohag, Dr. Mahfuz & Dr. Ziaur Rahman extended their helping hands towards our authority from the beginning of the college and form its basic infrastructure to the setting up of the direction.
The college is now run by a team of experienced faculty members and expert administrators. The college's vision is to produce a sufficient number of excellent dentists and to build a healthy nation. Mandy Dental College and Hospital is highly respected for its ombudsperson, a government official who has a comprehensive mandate to investigate any incident of misadministration and misuse of power within the college. This includes grievances such as corruption, abuse of power, negligence, oppression, nepotism, rudeness, arbitrariness, unfairness, and discrimination.
Code of Ethics of teaching staff
- To go for improving the oral condition as well as socio-economic condition of the clients considering it as a professional leading.
- To have respect for a person or the group seeking services and to be regardful to confidentiality and primacy.
- To use the data obtained through practice, professional relationship and responsibility.
- To be careful about the scope, quantity, quality and standard of help to be given from hospital.
- To administer the medical procedure or process in the context of knowledge, experience and criteria of other profession.
- To be regardful to the principle that professional training and education is must in professional role-practice.
- To keep the professional responsibility alone the personal interest.
- To remain ever prepared to offer services in case of nationally important tasks.
- To be careful about the possible gaps in words and deeds as a person as a representative of the Mandy Dental College and Hospital.
- To be engaged about the professional responsibility and the standard of services and quality and development.
- Use of staff experience and thought-process intelligently and react to those in a proper or systematic way.
- To maintain well-disciplined organizational environment and management so that the staff can remain active and sincere.
- To take up responsibility under a strong initiative and unflagging zeal with creative interest.
- To engage the self-knowledge, skill and ability for the development and implementation of oral services and welfare initiatives for unconscious people as well as for the nation
Our Facilities
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Mandy Dental College is one of the top ranking Dental College in Bangladesh , was established with a dream that aimed to combine knowledge, virtue, and physical well-being in 2008. The Institute is the largest private dental college in the Bangladesh dedicated solely to undergraduate Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S) education.
Mandy Dental College & Hospital offers 5 years course in Bachelor's of Dental Surgery (BDS). Which is approved by Bangladesh medical & Dental council (BMDC).
Our Hospital offers a wide range of dental services, including cleanings, fillings, extractions, Oral & maxillofacial surgery, Dental Implant, Orthodontics treatment and more. Patients can schedule an appointment through our website.
Yes, students at Our campus receive hands-on training through clinical rotations and practical experience in the clinic under the supervision of experienced faculty members.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BM&DC)
University of Dhaka (DU), Bangladesh
To know more our accreditation update
You can contact with us through Email & Our website. We are available to answer any questions you may have about our programs and services.
- FB : @mdchbd
- YT : @MandyDentalCollegeHospital
- E-MAIL : knock.mdch@gmail.com
- WEBSITE : www.mdch.edu.bd

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

University of Dhaka (DU)

Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BM&DC)
Chairman's Message

With mounting general people expectations about their health care services, the quality of dental cares and services itself under inspection all over the world. Therefore an optimistic transform is needed in the responsibility of doctors practicing orodental surgery.
The task of teachers and students in teaching learning with positive changes in orodental education also need to be reviewed and further developed. The new curriculum has been developed and scientifically designed, which is conscientious to the wants of the pupils and of the consumers paying attention. Area under discussion like behavioral and social science together with communication skill, dental health predicament management has been given the required prominence in the Arena of Dental science.
In course curriculum is not to be solitary determinant of the outcome, yet it is exceedingly significant as it guides the faculty in preparing their tutoring, let know the students where to go, what to do and what knowledge, skills and attitude they are to expand. The decisive criteria of measuring curriculum in dental education is the standard and quality of oral and dental health care services provided by the graduates with required competencies in preventive, curative, developmental and rehabilitative management. But the standards of the existing institutions are not up to the mark, the number of highly qualified and promising teachers is not very large.
The equipment’s and facilities provided by the most of the institutes are not sufficient. We are determined to provide dental education of a very high quality so that our students are good enough to match the global standard. In addition to this, competent and experienced faculty, diverse course offering, location and the biggest campus of its own have distinguished us from other dental colleges of the nation. I praise all who were involved in scheming and developing the over whelming prospectus within a short time. They have done a commendable job and deserve all appreciations. I salute the aspirant students of Mandy Dental College and Hospital and desire them every achievement in their academic searches.
I strongly believe when they complete their graduation (BDS) from this college in due time, become outstanding professionals and bestow to the Dental health service for Building a Healthy Nation.
Read MoreDirector's Message

With mounting general people expectations about their health care services, the quality of dental cares and services itself under inspection all over the world. Therefore an optimistic transform is needed in the responsibility of doctors practicing orodental surgery. The task of teachers and students in teaching learning with positive changes in orodental education also need to be reviewed and further developed. The new curriculum has been developed and scientifically designed, which is conscientious to the wants of the pupils and of the consumerspaying attention. Area under discussion like behavioral and social science together with communication skill, dental health predicament management has been given the required prominence in the Arena of Dental science. In the course curriculum is not to be solitary determinant of the outcome, yet it is exceedingly significant as it guides the faculty in preparing their tutoring, let know the students where to go, what to do and what knowledge, skills and attitude they are to expand. The decisive criteria of measuring curriculum in dental education is the standard and quality of oral and dental health care services provided by the graduates with required competencies in preventive, curative, developmental and rehabilitative management. But the standards of the existing institutions are not up to the mark, the number of highly qualified and promising teachers is not very large. The equipment’s and facilities provided by the most of the institutes are not sufficient. We are determined to provide dental education of a very high quality so that our students are good enough to match the global standard. In addition to this, competent and experienced faculty, diverse course offering, location and the biggest campus of its own have distinguished us from other dental colleges of the nation. I praise all who were involved in scheming and developing the over whelming prospectus within a short time. They have done a commendable job and deserve all appreciations. I salute the aspirant students of Mandy Dental College and Hospital and desire them every achievement in their academic searches. I strongly believe when they complete their graduation (BDS) from the college in due time, become outstanding professionals and bestow to the Dental health service for Building a Healthy Nation.
Read MoreAcademic Director's Message

This is indeed a great pleasure and prestige for me to be associated with and be a part of Mandy Dental College and Hospital - a complete Dental institution with global standard in Bangladesh. Since its inception Mandy Dental College is considered as the most beautiful private dental College with biggest campus of its own in the country.
Qualified and sincere faculties, equipped dental hospital, well disciplined administration and a great leadership of college authority is the secret of the success of the college. The mission of Mandy Dental College and Hospital is to produce humane leading dentists who are innovative and have the international perspective to become professionals with broad vision and ethics.
The educational philosophy of the college is primarily to foster dentists who can promote and maintain health by faithfully providing comprehensive dental care and contributing to the development of dentistry from global perspective. Besides education, we have arrangements so that students can participate in debate, cultural activities, indoor games, seminars both in national and international level.
The College is ready to do its best to help the students. The entire machinery of the College, the human resource, the academic staff and the other staff are always ready to provide all sorts of support to the students. To attain the best students have to put their best. I believe, if someone puts his/her best nothing can refrain him/her from achieving the desired goal.
I am looking forward to seeing the glorious achievement of the college in new academic dimension for facing the challenging demands of new generation.
ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি : ২০২৩-২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষে বেসরকারি ডেন্টাল কলেজ মেডিকেল কলেজ ডেন্টাল ইউনিটসমূহে (বিডিএস) শূন্য আসনে দেশি শিক্ষার্থী ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি09 June, 2024
BDS Admission Test : 2023-2024 List of Selected Candidates in Mandy Dental Colleges11 May, 2024
Rotatory Internship programme & logbook for dental graduates (BDS) চিকিৎসকদের লগবুক সংশোধন ও অনুমোদন প্রসঙ্গে09 May, 2024
BDS Admission 2023-2024 Test : After 2nd Migration List of Selected Candidates In MANDY DENTAL COLLEGE09 May, 2024
২০২৩-২০২৪ খ্রি. শিক্ষাবর্ষ বিডিএস কোর্সে মেন্ডি ডেন্টাল কলেজ স্ব-অর্থায়নে ভর্তিচ্ছু দেশী শিক্ষার্থীদের ভর্তি সম্পর্কিত নির্দেশনা09 May, 2024
মেডিকেল কলেজ এবং ডেন্টাল কলেজ-ইউনিটে এমবিবিএস এবং বিডিএস কোর্সে শিক্ষার্থী ভর্তি নীতিমালা, ২০২৪02 March, 2024